November | Fall Style

stylish fall outfit

Hi guys! I can’t believe it’s already November 1st. How in the world did October fly by that quickly? Actually, I’m pretty sure this entire year has flown by faster than ever as well. It feels like it was just a couple of months ago that I moved all the way from San Diego to Cleveland, when in reality it’s going on 6 months. Crazy to think we’ve been here almost half a year.

With that being said – I was FINALLY unpacking some boxes the other day when I came across the snake print top I am wearing in these photos. I got this top from Urban Outfitters around the time I started my job in San Diego, and I was there for about 8.5 years so that means the shirt is old AF. This top hung in my closet for years and occasionally I would feel inspired to wear it but there were a definitely a few years that went by without me touching it. Flash forward to last week when I came across this top again and I was able to see it in a new light. I thought it would be super cute with a fall color palette, and snake (all animal print really) is super huge this season so I knew it would be easy to come up with a stylish fall outfit with this shirt. read more

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Finally starting to feel like fall here in sunny San Diego! It was absolutely beautiful this past weekend, a little rain here & there but other than that a beautiful cool breeze and some sun sneaking through the clouds. Made me want to run to the closest store, buy pumpkins & spray paint them white & silver (planning on doing that this week!).
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