Fall 2018 Shoe Edit

Best Fall Shoes 2018

Something trendy, something classic, something new.

Hi babes, Happy Monday. Nothing new this season I’m just over here lusting over ALL the new fall shoes out there right now. Something about fall shoes just get me. The leather, the buckles, the studs, the FUR. Ugh, not enough money in the bank. Ya feel me?! I am trying to be smart about my shoe investments this fall by not buying too many of the same types of shoes and also by pulling out styles from previous years that are still in style and great condition. read more

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Not So Basic, Basics…

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 I think we all need those items in our closet that are our go-to pieces when we literally having “nothing” to wear! For me, that is usually a pointy black boot, black skinnies (love these because they have a shiny coating!), and a white top. I love to mix in a little gray or some stripes from time to time and of course top it off with my favorite gold jewelry of the moment. Having some unique basics in your closet to reach for make getting dressed that much easier because you have a base to build off of. read more


I’ve been on the hunt for a great pair of vintage or vintage looking denim. Something made of a heavier denim, not too light (but not too dark either), and more of a straight leg than skinny. Until then, I am resorting to my favorite ripped jeans- sometimes you just have favorites.
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