A Dose of Blogging Realness

blogging tips and realness how to stay consistent

Hey guys! I just wanted to take a second to check in with you all here. I feel like I was going strong with the fall/holiday content and then I just kind of came to a halt. What can I say? Blogging can be a bit of a rollercoaster if I’m being completely honest. Especially for someone who already has a bit of anxiety, sometimes you just need to take a step back. It’s SO easy to get caught up in the comparison game, whether it be with other people or yourself. More recently I feel like I was comparing myself…to MYSELF. Weird. Let me explain… read more

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Balancing ‘It All’ | Being a Mom – Blogger

Working full time, running a blog, and being a mom can be downright exhausting at times. Sometimes so much so that I just feel like I want to quit everything and run away. Live on the beach on an island somewhere with just me and my baby boy. LOL. The dream, right?! I am sure any of you mama’s out there know how tough it can be at times. And as a new mom you are also struggling with keeping up with YOUR identity – who WAS I before I had a baby? And not to mention the constant ‘mom guilt’ that can come up now and again. Why do I need to feel guilty if I want to go have a drink with my girlfriends? Or if I want to go shopping by myself for an hour or two? It goes on and on – I think you are getting the drift. Balancing ‘it all’ can be tough and quite the emotional roller coaster at times but it can also be worth it. read more

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Blogging Tips with a Side of Faux Fur

Wow guys, I can’t believe it’s almost 2018. I pretty much blinked and this year flew by. It’s been a pretty amazing year both personally and professionally blog-wise. It hasn’t been easy this year being a new mama and trying to grow my blog so I thought it would be fun to share with you guys a little “behind the scenes” and a few blogging tips I’ve picked up along the way. What does it take to get a blog post up? Keep reading if you want to find out…. read more

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The Important of Taking Time to Mentally ‘Reset’

Blogging tips Happy Monday babes! I apologize for the lack of posts on my blog over the past couple of weeks. I have been going through one of these…funks (I guess you could call it that). I would be lying to myself and all of you if I said that as bloggers we don’t go through these time periods of feeling un-inspired. I think it is important that as content creators we sometimes step away from everything for a little bit.

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